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WORKSHOP SERIES: How to Start A Successful CSA in NYC

Updated: Nov 20, 2023

A free workshop series hosted by Farm Generations Cooperative, Just Food, and GROWNYC.

Are you a young or new farmer not sure how to get stated with a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture)? Join Farm Generations Cooperative, GrowNYC, and Just Food at one of our CSA workshops.

When you attend one of our free workshops, you'll hear from an experienced farmer and supporting organizations about how to start a CSA.

You'll learn how to find a community partner, design a share, select a distribution location, make your shares financially accessible, collaborate with other growers, sell to and communicate with members, and so much more!

While these events are open to any and all aspiring or seasoned farmers, the curriculum is designed specifically for farmers based in and around New York City.

The workshops are available in English and Spanish, virtually and in-person in the Hudson Valley and in New York City. Please continue reading to view individual dates and details.

Presenters will include:

@JustFoodNYC will explain how to work with core groups and make shares accessible

@FarmGenerationsCoop will present details gleaned from a city-wide CSA survey and how to best utilize online platforms like GrownBy.

@GrowNYC will be present to answer questions

New York based farmers will be present at each workshop to share their struggles and success stories.

In these CSA workshops, you will learn how to:

  • find a community partner

  • design a share

  • select a distribution location

  • make your shares financially accessible

  • collaborate with other growers

  • sell to and communicate with members

  • and more!

Join us in person or online! We are offering 4 CSA Workshops in the next couple of months.

Profile picture of Christina Chan, owner of Choy Division.

Tuesday ​​November 7th, 2023 | 9am -1pm EST

Virtual workshop in English, featuring Christina Chan of @ChoyDivision will share her personal experience starting a CSA.

Tuesday December 5th, 2023 | 9 am — 1pm EST

Virtual Spanish language workshop, with Angel Family Farm @angelfamilyfarm.

  Farm crew photo of Rock Steady Farm, a cooperative vegetable farm rooted in social justice, food access and farmer training.

Tuesday December 12th, 2023 | 9 am — 1pm EST

This CSA workshop will be hosted in English, in-person in Claverack, NY. Rock Steady Farm will be present to share how they started a CSA program in New York. @rocksteadyfarm a cooperative vegetable farm rooted in social justice, food access and farmer training.

Profile photo of Amara Ullauri.

Monday January 8th, 2023 | 9 am — 1pm EST

In-person Spanish language workshop in Orange County with Amara Ullauri.

These CSA workshops are open to current farmers and potential farmers, and while all are welcome to join, much of the curriculum is designed especially for those in the NYC area. Please reach out to with any questions.



¿Le interesa conocer más sobre los Agricultura Apoyada por la Comunidad (o CSA Community Supported Agriculture en Inglés) en NYC? ¿Quieres saber si CSA es la dirección correcta para tu operación?

Le invitamos a escuchar a un agricultor y organizaciones de apoyo sobre cómo empezar distribuciones de CSA en Nueva York. Cubriremos cómo trabajar con un grupo central, diseñar una acción, seleccionar un lugar de distribución, hacer que sus acciones sean financieramente accesibles, comercializar sus acciones, colaborar con otros agricultores, vender y administrar a los miembros en línea, y más.

Entre los ponentes estarán:

  • Un agricultor que compartirá su experiencia en la venta de suscripciones de CSA

  • Just Food describe el trabajo con "grupos básicos" y cómo hacer accesibles las acciones

  • Farm Generations Cooperative presentará los resultados de una encuesta sobre CSA en toda la ciudad y cómo utilizar las plataformas en línea.

  • GrowNYC estará presente para responder preguntas

Este taller está abierto a todos los agricultores y personas interesadas en ser agricultores, especialmente en la zona de Nueva York.

Por respeto a los demás y a nuestros ponentes, pedimos a todos que lleven mascarilla en este acto presencial.

Además de este taller, el mismo contenido también se ofrecerá en persona en inglés, virtualmente en inglés y virtualmente en español. Elija el formato que más le convenga.

Farm Generations Cooperative helps small farmers grow big — together. Our farmer built and farmer-owned online marketplace, GrownBy provides a platform for your products and give consumers the opportunity to find and buy your farm products.

Interested in joining the coop? Head here to learn more about benefits and requirements to join our community. Build your farm shop on the GrownBy Marketplace for free and start selling your products in less than an hour.

Grow with us @farmgenerationscoop and @grownbyapp.

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